Fishing on the Range Ponds
Range ponds
The name of these important fishing lakes, located in heavily populated Cumberland and Androscoggin Counties, is pronounced "rang."
Upper and Middle Range offer an excellent variety of warm water species. The rocky shores harbor good numbers of small mouths, and catches of thirty per day have been recorded. Both Middle and Upper have larger than average white perch. They can be caught on calm summer evenings, using silver spinners and worms or number 6 marabou streamers. The marsh on the south end of Middle Range yields good pickerel catches, especially on over cast days. Middle Range has a native population of tongue, however, Middle Range and Upper Range are heavily fished thru the ice, and there aren't many lake trout to go around. Lower has little to offer other than pickerel, and there is a 10 horse power limit on that pond. Ice will be out by April 20th. The shore lines are heavily developed here. The hills are covered with hardwoods.
391 Acres
Max Depth: 38 ft
Town: Poland, ME
Fish: Lake trout, brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout, small mouth bass, large mouth bass, here we go, white perch, yellow perch, pickerel, hornpout, smelt, eel, white sucker, sunfish.
Access: State Ramp at Causeway, Upper Range Pond
Middle range pond
366 Acres
Max Depth: 66 ft
Town: Poland, ME
Fish: Lake trout, brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout, small mouth bass, large mouth bass, here we go, white perch, yellow perch, pickerel, hornpout, smelt, eel, white sucker, sunfish.
Access: Cyndi’s Dockside Restaurant (Fee)
LOWER range pond
290 Acres
Max Depth: 41 ft
Town: Poland, ME
Fish: Lake trout, brook trout, brown trout, rainbow trout, small mouth bass, large mouth bass, here we go, white perch, yellow perch, pickerel, hornpout, smelt, eel, white sucker, sunfish.
Access: State Park (no motors greater than 10 hp)
Edward Nadeau caught this 3.3 lb. rainbow trout on Middle Range Pond in Poland on January 9, 2005.
Tyler Morse (4.2 lb. brown trout),David Gray (4.4 lb. brown trout), and Mason Lovett (2.7 lb. rainbow trout), all caught on Middle Range Pond in Poland on January 9, 2005.
Greg Massey of Poland won the Range Ponds fishing derby with this 9.1 lb lake trout caught on Middle Range Pond in Poland.